Why your child’s night light could be causing health problems

It seems the use of a night light is almost thought of as necessary for babies and kids. Should it be? Not in our house and hopefully not in yours. Dark, quiet rooms are necessary for deep, restorative sleep.

Here’s why.

A long time ago I learned about the importance of “Yin” in Chinese medicine. The yin time is our down time. Yin is darkness.

When people don’t get enough yin restoration, then they are more hypersensitive, wired, cranky and often have more illness. This is why people get sick after expending lots of energy studying for finals, moving, working long hours for months on end.

Our bodies get sick as a way to make us have yin time, or down time, to rest and recover. The flip side to the dark, quiet “yin” is “yang”. The basis of Chinese medicine is this yin/yang balance.

Yang is light. The United States is generally very Yang, the go go go go energy. Kids need the balance of the yin.

Yin time is the time to rest and replenish ourselves after expending energy to create and live our lives. Kidsstockfresh_755929_child-sleeping_sizeXS_66115f sleep 12 or so hours at night because they need so much yin, restorative, time.

What does this have to do with your child’s night light? Everything! We all need dark, quiet rooms to really get this yin and restoration- even moms.

Babies and kids need this dark, quiet yin time to rest. It’s very beneficial to their overall health and well-being.

Of course, some kids go through a time when they are scared of the dark and prefer a night light. But, but this doesn’t mean all kids need a night light. Even if your child is scared of the dark, you can try putting the night light on a timer (timers are sold at Home Depot, Lowes, etc). Then, the light will be on for a few hours and go off when your child is sleeping soundly. Also, a soft light that your child can turn on by himself is another solution if he needs a light at night.

Your child’s night light is not necessary. Kids are not automatically afraid of the dark. Many kids sleep much better just with a dark, quiet room at night, especially kids with sensory issues. No night light. No sound machine. Just peace and quiet.

The National Sleep Foundation has some great info on why dark rooms are important for good sleep for babies, kids and adults. Read their info here.

So, to help your child have a strong immune system and sleep better overall, make sure his room is as dark as possible. This quiet, dark yin time will help him shine during his yang, bright, vibrant day.

May you and your family enjoy restful yin time and nourishment for happy, healthy lives.