Core Values of Intuitive Parenting

When I first find a blog on parenting, I look around to see if I agree with the values and philosophy of the writer.

Is it all fluff…just ideas that are great in the digital world but are confusing to apply with real kids?

Is this blogger saying the same thing I’ve read before without any meat to the writing? Or does she give an interesting take on how to create greater peace in myself as a mom or greater acceptance of my son as he triggers my stuff during our journey together?

To help you decide if my blog is worth reading again, here are my values. It’s what I care about and why I write. See if it’s what you care about. Does it live up to why you read blogs?

      1. I strive to ground my info in science & soul perspectives- what moms/caregivers/teachers/researchers have found over and over to be most effective in raising self confident, empowered, creative, compassionate kids. Along with validation for your child at her soul level- who she is in her brilliant essence. Hint: it’s not about keeping them happy all the time! Allowing frustration in the right amounts is vital. I’ll help you understand the balance of support and frustration.
      2. I don’t care if you co-sleep, crib sleep, eat organic or fast food w soda, drive a minivan or a mini cooper, keep a sparkling clean house or never clean, let your kids watch TV, use an iPad or never allow any of it, breastfeed or bottle feed, homeschool or public school. I care that you let yourself enjoy this journey with your kid/family, however it looks to you. I care that you have info to help your unique child thrive self confidently with his innate quirks respected.
      3. I want to help moms relax during their journey of parenthood. During my many years with kids and families, I found some fundamentals that worked in every family, with every kid, namely Respect, Validation, Consistency, Clear Communication and Trust. I’ll be writing about those fundamentals a lot so you can apply and cultivate these in your family. You parent with trust instead of anxiety with these fundamentals. Know you are most of the way to being a good enough parent, even if you are stressed, lose your temper or just feel horrible some days.
      4. Empowering you understand what areas of parenting are under your control and what areas are best to hand over control to your kids. In short, providing safe, consistent boundaries with lots of listening and respect is your job. Playing and learning about the world with age appropriate freedom is your kids’ job.
      5. I value standing back, listening and observing kids over being a part of each moment of your child’s day. Helping kids learn to direct their own independent (of you) play time is crucial to theirs and your well being.
      6. Empathy development is vital to overall well being of kids. They learn empathy when you offer it to them. It can be tricky to get this one down. I’ll help you learn how to do this effectively.
      7. Interdependent parenting is my goal. This is when family members rely on each other, yet are not completely dependent, or co-dependent, on each other for emotional or spiritual well being. Yes, your child is very dependent on you as a newborn, but helping them gradually, through the years, move to being interdependent is the goal. You have your life you enjoy. Your child has his life. You have a family life you all enjoy as distinct pieces of the pie. This enables each person to actualize herself, instead of needing someone outside of herself to “be ok”. Lots more respect this way.

Please ask any questions or leave comments you have about this list. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

May all beings enjoy peace, understanding and amusement with increase every day. Blessings.

Lisa Witter, MA