Better sleep for now

Project sleep- I went on vacation and slept pretty well after the first night. I was more active during the day (not just running around the house) with swimming in the ocean, sightseeing, yoga, so I’m sure that helped.

Seems like the herbs I’ve been taking and increase of protein are helping as I’m sleeping a bit better at home now too. I feel overall a lot less wired/tired, thank goodness!

From my research, most sleep problems are the result of dis-regulation as the result of staying in the fight/flight stress mode. It increases cortisol and creates problems with hormone functioning. So, my regulation through diet/protein, calming herbs, the hormone regulating herb-Vitex and yin yoga has helped. I really do feel more regulated- like myself. Hope it continues, but I guess that’s up to me to keep up my self care and not wait until it’s almost crisis level!

To read about the herbs and foundations I used to go from wired/tired to feeling more like my self read here.