Gifted Child Stress

It can really be a blessing and a curse to have a gifted child. So many parents strive to have the uber smart child so they will succeed later in life. Well, a successful child means they are well rounded, not just smart! Many Ivy League colleges want wisdom over smarts and life experience over just time in class.

When you have a child who does really well academically around reading, math, memorization, etc, they receive a lot of praise for this and often want to keep doing better. First children often fall into this category. Because gifted children often later in life end up being leaders and visionaries, I believe they want to be the first child to learn how to manage younger siblings before taking the CEO position!

Your gifted child is likely also a perfectionist. It seems to come with the territory. Always setting higher and higher standards for him/herself. This spirit has come in to learn and soak everything up quickly. She NEEDS to stay stimulated or she/he will become very unhappy and may physically get sick if boredom sets in for too long.

Help your child decide what is most enjoyable so more time is focused upon that area of interest. Because of being a perfectionist, your child will often not allow him/herself time for relaxation or play and it’ll get worse as they get older. By deciding what is important, then he/she can feel in control and empowered around how to balance school/homework and “free” time.

Write out all the things your child really enjoys, including extra classes, sports, time with friends, family, time alone being creative, time with animals, etc. Then help him/her balance out the week so there is time scheduled to do what is needed AND what is fun! Gifted children generally thrive with structure like this. You other children might not, as other kids need more open, free flowing time. Just take some time to see what’s most important to each child and balance it with what your needs are as a parent, then the family can thrive and stay interested and engaged during the week.

Blessings to your journey. If you would like a “Soul Purpose” intuitive session on the unique needs of each member in your family, call or email me today from the “Contact Lisa” page.