The Irony Of Baby Einstein

I noticed my son’s “play station” is made from Baby Einstein. The marketing around this brand seemed to be that their products would help create a smarter baby. Smarter in the sense of doing better in school on tests, being able to recite and memorize more info, in short, more “brain power.” It seems to me that is the smarter they are trying to help create and the smarter that parents want for their kids. Some parents anyway…

The irony is that Einstein was brilliant because he used his imagination. That strange gateway that connects our minds with that of the cosmos. Where new ideas emerge, where universes are formed and destroyed, the land beyond the physical.

He was terrible in school, terrible at taking in info from anyone else, terrible at tests, terrible at listening to others. He was amazing at closing his eyes and seeing inventions create themselves and have the ability to bring them to the physical world.

So, to help your baby connect with the essence of Einstein would be to allow your baby or child, to have time and space to connect with their own imagination. Time to just be by themselves and wander around the different worlds available from space and from quiet. Time to touch various textures, smell new smells and just explore the world without input from anyone else.

This would be a Baby Einstein in the making. But this doesn’t cost money and doesn’t sell products. So, blessings to all parents who allow their children space to become themselves and space to connect with a world of their own so they can have this oasis of creativity in the midst of the chaos of everyday life.